Cleaners and natural products for cleaner, safer, longer lasting fresh food.

Eat Cleaner is the savvy way to enjoy safer, cleaner, longer lasting fresh food – the way nature intended. The only patented, lab proven line of all natural wash and wipes, Eat Cleaner washes away up to 99.9% of the bacteria, pesticides and wax that water can’t, to help your body get the most benefit out of healthy foods. It also saves you money, extending shelf life up to 5 times longer. Strawberries can last up to 2 weeks, lettuce up to 3 weeks, naturally.
Eat Cleaner is made with an all-natural blend of plant acids, surfactants and antioxidants formulated to produce cleaner, safer, longer lasting food. Available in a ready-to-use spray, concentrate, and wipes. Winner of the Disney iParenting Award and the World’s Best Technologies Gold Prize.
Eat Cleaner is:
Proven to remove wax, soils, pesticide residue, and contaminants
Made with FDA approved, safe, food-grade ingredients
Clear, tasteless, and odorless on food
Vegan, non-GMO, eco-friendly, made in the USA
The Founder of Eat Cleaner is Mareya Ibrahim, aka The Fit Foodie. She is a TV chef, nutrition coach, author, patented inventor, and award-winning entrepreneur. Her book, Eat Like You Give a Fork: The Real Dish on Eating to Thrive is a #1 New Release and is changing how people prioritize their wellness.
Chef Mareya invented Eat Cleaner with her scientist father in response to the warning of his doctors not to eat fresh fruits and vegetables when he was diagnosed with cancer. They were determined to find a way to make these foods safe to eat, since as a holistic nutrition expert, Mareya knew these were the very foods that help to build strength and immunity. They worked tirelessly until they successfully developed the now patented and lab proven Eat Cleaner product line. Mareya remains dedicated to helping everyone enjoy cleaner, safer fresh food – because everyone deserves to eat the foods intended for good health.
You can enjoy Chef Mareya's signature energetic style and wealth of knowledge when you participate in her Virtual Women's Expo Cook Along Interactive Experience! Find it HERE.

Chef Mareya on Pickler & Ben
How to Use Eat Cleaner
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