High quality, authentic leather bags that are made to last.

Hobo designs and makes every imaginable style of leather handbag, tote, and wallet. They are committed to creating authentic goods that are made to last and be loved every day. Their enduring design philosophy balances style and utility, resulting in eminently wearable bags that only get better with age.
Hobo's Core Principles
Quality over quantity. They only manufacture as many bags as they can make well.
How a bag functions is as important as how it looks. They design with beauty, soul and purpose.
Hand selecting the right leather for each bag. They look for just the right weight, hand and drape.
Creating authentic goods that are made to last. Their bags stand the test of time.
Founder & Designer Koren Ray's motto, “cool is when vintage meets modern,” permeates all of her work, positioning Hobo as America’s foremost fun and funky accessories brand. She subscribes to the belief that the more you stay true to your roots, the more authentic you remain. She strives to do this every day. Hobo is a second-generation, family-run brand whose origin lies in modern craft. When Koren and her mom started Hobo 30 years ago, they had a passion for the authentic beauty of well-crafted designs. Today, Koren stays true to their enduring design philosophy that is equal parts beauty and flawless functionality.
Also, at Hobo there is a focus on mentorship. Koren's mother taught her a sense of responsibility for guiding the company into the future, and the importance of mentoring the young people who are coming up.
Hobo currently employs nearly 50 women, ages 23-75, in positions from sales to marketing, accounting to warehousing, design to purchasing. After years of admiring her mother’s leadership, Koren says she can only hope to follow with the same integrity, grace and grit, and instill the same passion and confidence in a new generation of creative women.

Meet Founder Koren Ray + Testimonials
Fern Crossbody Bag
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