The newest Home Bistro meal collection is by world-renowned celebrity chef, Cat Cora. Cat holds a series of “firsts" for women in the culinary industry. In 2005, she made television history when she became the first-ever female Iron Chef on Food Network’s hit show: Iron Chef America. Since then, she has shattered the glass ceiling as one of the first females to dominate the historically male culinary industry, and became the first female inducted into The American Academy of Chefs Culinary Hall of Fame. She is also an author, restaurateur (she's opened 18 restaurants across the U.S. and globally), health and fitness expert, philanthropist, and proud mother of six.
The Cat Cora meals include Greek Lasagna with Beef Bolognese, Bucatini Pasta and Bechamel Sauce, Balsamic Braised Grilled Shortrib with Herbed Potato Risotto and Garlic Broccolini, Grilled Shrimp, Creamy Street Corn, Aji Verde, Sauteed Black Kale & Pickled Red Onion, and many others.