Luxury Athleisure. For powerful women everywhere.

The planner that actually teaches you how to plan.


A great planner should do what it is designed to do… organize your time and serve as your central “command center". That is EXACTLY what the TOP Planner does. It's a planner that actually teaches you how to plan, so you can organize your tasks, prioritize your time, and ditch the overwhelm.

The TOP Planner was created by top Time Management and Productivity Coach Megan Sumrell, with the purpose of helping women getting rid of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion. With it, you'll learn her proprietary system and processes regarding time management, organization and productivity.

The TOP Planner Includes:

  • 12 dateless months so you can start anytime

  • 7" x 10" page size

  • 12 month at a view pages with tabs

  • 56 week at a view pages

  • Pocket to store papers

  • Weekly success trackers

  • Monthly success trackers

  • Goal setting workbook

  • Online access to extra downloads


Founder Megan Sumrell is a former corporate techie turned entrepreneur. As a business owner, mom, and wife, she knows exactly how hard it is to juggle #allthethings while still maintaining your own sense of self and purpose. When her daughter was born, life as she knew it completely changed. After struggling to manage work, motherhood, family, etc., Megan set about to create a new way to manage her time and organize her calendar. She took her 20+ year career in systems and processes and applied it to one of her favorite things… time management!

As a Time Management and Productivity Coach, Megan teaches specific strategies to help others get on top of their time, their calendar, and their goals while getting rid of stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion. She is the creator of The TOP Program and The TOP Planner, a program and planner that teaches her proprietary system and processes regarding time management, organization, and productivity.

Megan is a Virtual Women’s Expo featured speaker! View her talk: How to Reclaim Your Time and Calendar Without Sacrificing Your Priorities HERE!

Founder Megan Sumrell Shows the TOP Planner


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